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One last ride in Lisbon (02/09/2024)


Updated: Feb 11, 2024

We started the day off today to a late-ish start. Everyone got up between 7-9am. We got breakfast, made lunch for the trip, and got ready to head out and meet the day. The weather was supposed to be rainy and very crappy so we didn't know how it was gonna go. But adventurers adventure so we went on our way. (Parent note: some of us experienced this quite differently. One of us (mom) was determined to go to Obidos, having read much about it. Others had talked about deciding in the morning based on the weather - other options being hanging around more is Lisbon or a return trip to Sintra or Cascais (which would be a first for Gage.). Before we went to bed last night our weather apps said rain all day everywhere. This morning our weather apps said rain all day in obidos, but rain only in the morning everywhere else we were considering. But proving yet again that our crew would rather have someone else do the planning, everyone followed along when I announced I still intended to go to Obidos. And as with all trips, and pretty much every day, my day started off with a trip to the store for fresh bread and croissants, because, well, why not?!?!).

Our first stop was the metro. We took it for about 15 minutes till we got off at Campo Grande to find the bus that would take us all the way to our final destination, Obidos. However it took a while to find the right bus. We walked around randomly hoping we would find the right bus. We didn't for a while but while we were walking around we got to get up close with the Sporting FC Futbol stadium. The stadium was also the first professional team that Cristiano Ronaldo, one of the Greatest of all Time soccer players, played for. Which for all the soccer lovers was very cool to see. After admiring the Stadium, we again set out to find the Bus that would take us to Obidos. Eventually, with the help of many locals, we found the bus. It was a great relief until we got there and it took about 5 minutes trying to pay for tickets. (Parent note: cash only!!! Fortunately we had enough, but we had gotten so used to paying with a credit card for anything it was a surprise. And we quickly realized we didn't have enough cash to pay for a return trip. But as Griff said, adventurers adventure, so we decided to figure it out later and hopped on board.). We finally were able to get onboard with less than 2 minutes to spare and were on our way to Obidos. The ride there was quiet and peaceful. Kayla worked on a job application(let’s go!) With Connors help, Griff read a book the whole time(I couldn’t believe it either, he's actually gonna finish a book on this trip), and everyone else relaxed either on their phone or enjoying the view out the window.

After an hour, we arrived at Obidos. We were dropped off right at the entrance of the town. Now Obidos is not a town like any of us have seen before. It is a small town that is wrapped in a 50+ foot high wall of stone. It was very cool to walk around the town but even cooler to walk Over the town. The wall, not only cool to look at, also allows you to walk on it. For those scared of heights, not recommended. There is a small boundary keeping you from falling off the wall on the outside of town, but nothing stopping you from plummeting to the inside of town. Kayla decided to stay back and walk across the small town on the ground. Connor stayed with her to start while Griff, Gage, Mom, and Dad went up the wall to walk around the village. Well, kinda. Griff went off walking meanwhile Gage, Mom, and Dad( who probably would have gone much faster but decided to stay behind them) crawled their way along the path, hugging the wall at all times. Mom on many occasions was yelling at Griff to be more careful (even though he seemed like the only one not having a panic attack) after walking along the edge getting a breathtaking view of the area, Connor who was about 5 minutes behind us, caught up/passed Gage, Mom and Dad. Unfortunately near the end of the side we started on, there was a part blocked off so we had to go down the stairs. Griff almost gave Mom a heart attack though when everyone finally caught up to him and he was sitting with his legs off the side of the wall. He then jumped down to stairs that weren’t super far under him which almost gave mom the biggest freight of the century. (Parent note: umm, yeah. Pretty terrifying totally worth it!)

Mom not being too scared!

We met back with Kayla and decided to go the other way on the wall. It was lower but still had many very steep areas which really would have messed up the rest of the trip if someone fell. Gladly no one fell and we all enjoyed the view as well as the very cool experience. Finally that side of the wall ended and we climbed down to the ground level, which put us at the foot of the castle which is actually a hotel and restaurant now. We sat on some comfy-ish yarn chairs and ate lunch. (Parent note: and some happy fruities!).

We then bumped into a couple from Georgia, USA and some of their friends who we talked to for around 10 minutes about our different adventures so far. After the conversation ended and people finished up their lunches, we walked around the town which had some very interesting things to see such as the Novaogiva Gallary, St Martins Chapel, St Mary’s Church, Town Portico, the town's old Aqueduct which extended about 3 miles, and other cool historical monuments. It was fun to learn about the town's history. We then headed back to the bus and started our way back home at around 4. We got home at around 5:30ish and everyone was hungry. Some decided to go to Aldi (moms idea obviously) to get something for dinner but Griff and Dad went to a Delicious non expensive kabob place and got some delicious meals. Everyone met back home and got rested and packed, as we were headed on our next adventure to Lagos.

See you all tomorrow!!




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