To start off the morning, Mom went to mini preco express to get fresh rolls and croissants but it was closed. Luckily, our savior, Aldi, was open and so she was able to get the fresh bread and rolls we would need to make our sandwiches. While she was walking home she spotted a beautiful rainbow.

Once she returned there was a flurry of activity throughout the Airbnb, as the rest of us were eating, packing, and cleaning up. A part of the cleaning up was running our recycling down to the bins, which were across the park from where we were staying, and as we were on the top floor, it was a bit of a trek. Connor and Kayla had to run the recycling down four flights of steps and across the park and then return. After they got back it we were ready to head out, and we beat our 9 o’clock planned departure time by five minutes, but mom was STILL stressed.
We thought we had mastered Portuguese public transportation until as we were scanning our passes to get to the metro, Connor's pass didn’t work. The rest of us had already gone through the turnstile and because Connor had no idea how to reload his ticket, we had to yell instructions across the turnstile. He finally figured it out and we were off on our way again. At 9:21 we were on the metro and mom was still incredibly stressed if we were going to make our 10:02 train, meanwhile Connor was just thinking about how he could’ve gotten another half hour of sleep.
We made it to the train station with PLENTY of time to spare, as the train before ours was delayed and still hadn’t even boarded yet.
We finally got on the train and set off towards Lagos. The train was running late and we had a connection in Tunis to actually get to Lagos, and because our train was delayed we thought that we were going to miss our connection and need to wait 4 hours to get on the next train
When we got to Tunis for our connection, the train was just waiting for us so we hopped off the train from Lisbon and got on the train to Lagos, and set off again.
We arrived in Lagos safe and sound and there were many excited emotions in the taxi on the way to the Airbnb. (Parent note: our goal is to walk and use public transit as much as possible, but it was a 45 minute walk to the Airbnb and the bus was not going to come for more than an hour and still would require 20 min of walking. Griff is very well trained at this point and was ready to start walking, but Matt very wisely thought using a tiny bit of our budget (€12) on a taxi would be well worth it. Good call, Matt!). On the taxi ride, Griffin commented how none of the cars are driving on the left side of the road, and then proceeded to ask, “Are we even in Europe?” He manages to say this with a straight face while sitting in a taxi, in Portugal. His lack of awareness astounds me at times.
We arrived at the apartment with no idea of its quality, and had a little trouble figuring out how to get into the complex, but luckily I came to the rescue and figured out which apartment was ours. Once we got into the apartment, we were ASTONISHED by its beauty, it was the most lavish and modern we’ve stayed in so far, and it has a pool!
Once we unpacked and got situated in our new place, Mom, Connor, Kayla, and I went out to find the supermarket, and find it we did. Well, we didn’t find the first place we went looking for, because Apple Maps (parent note: and Connor!) led us in a wild goose chase, but we eventually found a supermarket. The supermarket was quite large, but the most notable thing about it was that it sold whole eels, octopus, and that weird fish from Mama Mia, after shopping we went home.
While dinner is cooking, Dad admits to finding a place to drop off compost, which excites Mom. She immediately tries to make a compost bin, sacrificing some of our space for general waste. Once the pasta is ready and we add one of the two different sauce packets, Connor tasted it and it did NOT taste good, it tasted like spaghetti O’s, but luckily, the other kind was much better and countered the spaghetti O sauce. (Parent note: we tried to buy three different kinds of pasta sauce. We ended up buying two kinds of pasta sauce and a jar of plain tomato sauce,which was definitely NOT pasta-ready. Fortunately this Airbnb came stocked with various seasonings , so I was able to doctor up the plain sauce for me and Connor - and it was guitar delicious, if I do say so myself!). We finished dinner and cleaned up, then Mom, Dad, Connor, and Kayla all went to check out the beach while Griffin and I stayed behind to work on the blogs. I also FaceTimed with my girlfriend during that time. That wrapped up our day and we went to bed. (Parent note: except we must add that Griffin's desire to experience absolutely everything led him to tum down for an evening lounge in the pool. Solo, since we had tested the water earlier and it was freezing! He came back to up to realize that while this Airbnb is quite elk provisioned, the towel he used at the pool was also his only shower towel. Fortunately he had a hand towel as well, so he made do. Double fortunately that for him, a hand towel works just fine as a shower towel!)