The morning started early for some. Griff and Mom got up at 6:30. They got breakfast then Mom did her at home workout while Griff decided he wanted to have his run today be a sunrise run so he went out and ran on the boardwalk, all the way down past the beach. The water looked very tempting to jump into but he thought that running home all sandy didn't sound super enjoyable. He got home at 8:15 and made himself another breakfast sandwich. Everyone else started getting up around 8:30ish and we got ready for the day. Our plan for the day was to hike 12 miles to Salema and then take a cab back home from Salema. (Parent note: this would be about 12 miles of hiking.). We got our lunches ready, packed our bags and walked out the door all the way to the start of the trail. (Parent note: we actually picked up the trail at about halfway through the "Lagos to Praia de Luz" section of the trail. Since our awesome Airbnb is so well-placed in Lagos, we did the first part of that section while wandering around yesterday.)

The trail we were hiking is called the Fisherman's Walk. One of the most famous hiking trails in Portugal and possibly the most famous cliff hiking trail in the world. It is known for its extraordinary views from the top of the cliff of the ocean, beaches, and nearby towns as well as its semi dangerous trail right next to the cliff's edge, red sand covering the trail, and greenery all over the top of the cliffs. It is an amazing sight to see and we recommend it to everyone. The start of the hike is right next to the first beach we went to when we arrived, Praia De Porto De Mós. It was a steep uphill climb until it evened out at the top of a cliff and stayed relatively flat at the top. When we got near the top of the first cliff, Kayla's fear of heights kicked in and she decided that it was a bit too scary so she decided to go more inwards and take the trail that wasn't as scenic but also much farther away from the edge of the cliffs. Connor, the loving boyfriend he is, decided to go with her(might've been pulled a little bit). The rest of us continued along the cliffside enjoying everything it had to offer. (Parent note: the views weren't initially quite as we had hoped, as a low fog covered everything and severely limited our visibility. But we pressed onward in the hopes the sky would clear.)
After a while, we then started heading down the cliff. Walking not falling gladly. After we got to the bottom we were stood at another beach. (Parent note: the beach was Praia de Luz, in the beach town of Luz, a few miles west of Lagos.). We walked across the beach which then turned into big Redstone rocks that were arranged from the wall of the boardwalk to the ocean. We hopped back up onto the boardwalk and decided this was the perfect place to have lunch, so we found a few benches and might have had the best view we will ever have while eating lunch.

We then called Kayla and Connor to see where they were. They said that they decided to turn back around because it was too scary for Kayla. Which by the way as amazing of a hike it is, we definitely do not recommend it If you are scared of heights because it is very high up with not much blocking you from falling down. Connor then said that he would turn around after he got Kayla home and meet us where we were eating lunch. Mom, Dad, Gage, and Griff then decided that instead of heading all the way to Salema, they would just walk a little further and then turn around. (Parent note: the fog had been slowly clearing, and we quickly agreed we preferred to go back the way we came so we could see all of the great cliff views we had missed in the morning.). We walked about an hour and then turned back around to meet back up with Connor. We kept walking back guessing he didn't make it this far yet. After scaling back up the cliff (Mom and Dad took the longer path that didn't have as big of an incline, while Griff and Gage decided to go up a very very steep hill to get to the top). There was no sign of him yet. We walked all the way back down the other side of the cliff and saw Connor and Kayla on the beach. Happy Connor had not fallen off the top of the cliff, Dad and Mom were still disappointed with his lack of communication skills. But we enjoyed the beach for a while and then walked back to the house for some of Mom's amazing sangria. We then sang and danced to music, had dinner, and then sang and danced some more until we settled down for bed. (Parent note: we decided to splurge a little on our Airbnb in Lagos, and you've seen from earlier posts how great this place is. One of the many fabulous amenities is a radio system with built in speakers throughout the house, and there is also a TV with YouTube in the living/dining/kitchen area, so we now have a nightly habit of dancing and singing while we make dinner and then continue well into the evening. The singing does seem to get louder and worse the more sangria we drink. But the dancing absolutely gets better!)

Join us tomorrow for another amazing day!
(PS- this whole thing got deleted before I could post it yesterday so sorry its a day late)