Today's day started with Mom and the Nanas getting up early to go walk all the way to the town of Framura, which is about an hour walk through a former train tunnel. (Parent note: in the rain! We had originally planned to start exploring the five towns of cinque terra, but given the weather, a walk mainly through train tunnels made much more sense!).
Framura is made up of five different villages which extend from the coast up into the mountains. Griffin was the next to get up to go to the soccer field to get a workout in, which is conveniently right around the corner from our place. Two hours later when Griff got back, the rest of the people were getting up and around to head out to where Mom and the Nanas went earlier this morning. Connor, Kayla and Griff left the place at around 11 to meet Dad who went to get a coffee 10 minutes earlier and we then set out for the 1 hour long walk through a dark but very cool old train tunnel. Gage decided he wanted to stay back.
View from one of the openings in the tunnel
The Tunnel was very cool. It was a long, semi curving road that had a few very cool view points. It also has some interesting mold/something on the sides that looked a little gross but also kinda cool.
After we finally got to the end of the tunnel, We found ourselves at a lookout over the sea. We went down a very steep and semi-stable staircase that led us to a small marina.
And even though it took a while, Kayla even made it down the steps. We then found the path again and started walking. People started getting hungry around this time but there weren't any restaurants or stores open up ahead. Eventually we bumped into Mom and the Nanas on their way back down from many, many stairs. Kayla and Griff headed back with them because Kayla didn't want to do the up's and Griff was getting hungry. Connor and Dad went on.
Framura Marina
A deserved drink and break from the rain
On the way back Griff found a very cool and secret tunnel inside the big tunnel that led to a path which gave you a great outlook of the mountain and the sea which Connor and Dad also found on the way back.
We then got back and ate our leftover pasta for lunch. We sat down and relaxed for a little while until Dad and Connor got back. (Parent note: Jen, Kayla and Gage also took a walk around Bonessola, including checking out the views from an old church on the hill.)
Very cute flower pot people!
Then, Mom, Connor, Dad, and Gage went to the grocery store that was about a 40 minute walk away because it was a bigger grocery store with more stuff then the one next to us. Kayla went on a walk of her own and Griffin and the Nanas stayed home and made some dinner for everyone. Griff then went back to the field for his second workout of the day. Around 2 hours later, The grocery store group got home and Griff got home not long after. We then made delicious pasta for dinner and then some people played cards while others went to bed.